Use equal parts heart and mind to guide daily life.

Whether you’re navigating parenting, ongoing education or career development, taking a Heartminded approach can help you navigate daily life and challenges.

Heartminded describes a person who intimately knows their heart and mind, follows their intuition, and applies this to their daily life. Equal parts discipline, research-based practices, emotional intelligence and intuition combine to create a balanced approach to decision-making and boundary setting. Equal parts heart and mind, individual and family, science and art, nature and nurture.

That’s the Heartminded way.

Learn at your own pace.

Living a Heartminded life is an intentional practice. Day-by-day, choice by choice– just by trying, you’ll make strides towards being the person, parent, friend and independent individual you want to be.



I make content based on a variety of topics including: authoritative parenting, early childhood education, literacy, emotional intelligence, bodily autonomy and more.

Time To Speak Up

As the digital creator and single mom behind Heartminded Mama, I started my journey online speaking up about bodily autonomy. Making videos modeling consent conversations for my two boys, I quickly found a community of like-minded parents and allies online who were interested in surfacing important topics like consent and parenting “myths”.

Online media outlets took notice of our conversation :

“We need to teach children to protect themselves and to understand the power and value of their bodies.”

— Alissa, BUZZFEED



Montesori designed toys and play kits designed by experts to meet your child's developmental needs. My children have absolutely loved their play kits and thrive with each box we receive.


Creates educational, hands on toys and activities for children of all ages and a variety of abilities, with products ranging from literacy to STEM to fine motor. My sons absolutely love these educational activities, and so do I – as a teacher and a mother.


Educational, early learning program designed by experts to cater to your child's needs and interests. It has become my sons' favorite screen time activity.

Download HOMER app now for a FREE 30 Day Trial

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heartminded community

We’re actively sharing tips, lessons and resources every single day on social media. Join our inclusive community and chime in with your own learnings.

Questions and curiosity are always welcome!

The Heartminded community is built around problem-solving using research-based practices and intuitive, empathetic communication . Submit your question, challenge or topic below for review.